SACR mixed band

This covers any other ringing we do with other handbell ringers with the Scottish Association, including during our Scottish Handbell Days, ringing weekends in Tulloch, and whenever we can fit handbells into an Association event.

Yesterday we rang a peal of Bristol Royal, which was a good achievement by all the band. I thought the method-ringing was noticeably better than in our two previous peals of Bristol Royal, with fewer trips overall, fewer big mistakes, and much less need for conducting.

However, there was a...

We've done a lot of ringing in the last two weeks, a lot of it on handbells, and I've rung with an unusually large number of people. I had a visit to the Edinburgh handbell band, which included losing a quarter of Bristol and practising some other surprise major methods...

We are just back from a handbell weekend in Tulloch, hosted by Helen McGregor and Peter Bevis. Saturday was the general handbell day, with practice sessions and quarters including Plain Bob Minor (Thomas Gay's first quarter), Stedman Triples, Yorkshire Major and Kent Royal. We had also planned to spend Sunday...